Voice On The Page/Voice In The Room

What does it mean to discover our voice when we write? Is it that moment when we forget that we are writing, and what we most want to say finds its way to the page? When words boil over and spill in an avalanche of phrases, dialogue, images and rhythms? We know the power of feeling the direct connection of emotions, storytelling, and writing. It’s like being thunderstruck and struck open. So often we are surprised by the experience and often when we read what we have written to fellow workshop members, our voice fails us. Believing in ourselves can be very difficult especially when we’ve only just created something and that creation expresses our vulnerability. Our written voice can shake us into uncertainty and sometimes tears. It is right to be astounded at the vehemence of what we have to say, and awed by how we say it. It is also right to respond to our own strong words with respect. Often this means a writer reads their work quietly. Reading immediately after writing, we hear our immediate and deepest voices. We witness our dual courage of putting our words into writing and then saying those words out loud. What daring! What instant discovery! Those who are listening can take courage too. We share our acts of bravery and forge our way as our voices grow sturdier and more vibrant.

Prompt Photo












Upcoming Events

August Retreat: Hawley MA   https://www.writingfulltilt.com/retreats/

Weekly Writing Workshops  https://www.writingfulltilt.com/workshops/ 

Online Writing Workshop  https://www.writingfulltilt.com/online-workshop/

February Retreat: Malibu CA https://www.writingfulltilt.com/retreats/


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