Two sisters arrived one afternoon, in the middle of an argument with each other. I didn’t know it then, but their argument was taking place on an island at the heart of their story. Around the same time that I wrote that dialogue, I was daydreaming, and the bow of a small wooden boat appeared, bumping gently into rocks. I began to wonder: Who was in the boat? Where did they come from? How did they get there? Where were they going? Who were they to each other? And why were they arguing? That set of questions launched me into the detective work of following these two sisters through their adventures and transcribing their actions and conversations. They have kept me company through many, many hours. Now they’re here to keep you company too.
Many of you have heard scenes from Maud’s and Addie’s dilemmas and triumphs, and you have told me what was strong, what stayed with you, what was working. You kept me going, encouraging me to shadow these characters closely and watch as they developed into wonderful companions to each other, but especially to me. These two sisters own the book and their story. I am grateful to them and to all of you.
Three agents, over 40 editors, a dozen readers, and one contest later, Maud & Addie will be released May 6, 2021, by Fitzroy Books, an imprint of Regal Publishing House.

Links for Purchase
Regal House: Hardcover & Paperback iPg: eBook
Please join me for these for virtual readings!
May 13 7:00 p.m. EST Broadside Books Northampton MA
June 10 8:00 AST Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia Halifax NS
Kirkus Reviews Foreword Review Avaliniah’s Books
Prompt Photo